Design Ready Controls has partnered with ReChargeMN in their statewide initiative and collaboration focused on accelerating the use of electric and clean vehicles. In addition, it also supports local economic development across the state.

The mission of Design Ready Controls is to be a community leader in this critical new infrastructure. Our current efforts include the production of energy through adding solar panels to the roof of our headquarters in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota by the end of 2020. Secondarily, Design Ready Controls is committed to creating channels to consume clean energy by installing a couple level 2 chargers for use by our own employees. Further into the future we intend to overhaul our current fleet of delivery trucks to electric. In addition to creating and consuming clean energy we are also producers of the hardware that makes efficient charging possible – manufacturing and co-engineering complex EV equipment, which in turn creates jobs that are supporting the local economy.
Watch the Design Ready Controls’ ReChargeMN Video Here