Intern Spotlight: Luke Walsh
School and degree: Iowa State University | Electrical Engineering
Internship focus: Electrical Engineering Intern
About Luke:
Luke is from St Louis Park, Minnesota and a student at Iowa State University studying Electrical Engineering. When Luke isn’t working, he likes to play pickleball, basketball, frisbee, tennis, and anything outdoors with his friends. Luke also enjoys cooking, especially stir fry.
What made you want to intern for Design Ready Controls?
When Luke was in high school, he took a field trip to the Design Ready Controls manufacturing facility in Brooklyn Park for one of his engineering classes. He appreciated seeing the work environment and hearing from an employee as to why they chose to work at Design Ready Controls. Luke was inspired by the trip and remembered it since. When the time came for Luke to start looking for internships, he instantly thought of Design Ready Controls. Remembering how much he liked the people, company, and culture he applied to their Electrical Engineering Internship immediately.
What do you like most about Design Ready Controls, why?
Since the first day at Design Ready Controls Luke has enjoyed everyone he has worked with. His desk is in “Intern Alley” near the production floor. Luke enjoys working near the production floor as it allows him to engage with both the engineering and production teams. “It has been so fun getting to know the team at Design Ready Controls and learning about what they all do daily. It also makes the workday fly by when you enjoy the people you are collaborating with.”
What kinds of projects are you currently working on right now?
Luke has been focusing on reviewing, updating, and finishing schematics and drawings to support new panel quotes. “Since the requests the electrical team receives are similar, but with slight variations in design, they have automated much of the process. The software they have set up does a lot of the repetitive work, so we can spend time making specific changes that customers ask for; while checking to ensure the panels meet safety standards and regulatory requirements.”
What are your next steps and how has your Design Ready Controls internship prepared you?
After Luke’s internship, he will finish school and graduate in the spring of 2026. Luke has loved his time at Design Ready Controls because it has given him an inside look at life after college. “College is meant to prepare you with knowledge, and this internship has given me real-life work experience and shown me the amount of time and commitment it takes to be a good employee.”